An Albertville neighborhood turned into one complex crash scene Monday, April 1 after a driver lost control on 57th Street Northeast west of Casey’s Convenience Store and barreled into home.
The incident happened shortly before 7 p.m. on “April Fool’s Day.” The driver, who witnesses said was moving at a high rate of speed, ripped through lawns and sheered off mailboxes before heading into a lawn at the corner of 57th Street and Kalenda Avenue Northeast. The driver missed two trees and at least one parked car before hitting the southwest corner of the split level home, crashing into a garage.
Neighbors said people were home at the time of the accident but were upstairs and not directly impacted by the accident. The home is owned by Don Deckert and his wife, Beverly. His daughter, Amber, and grandchild also live at the home.
The crash is still under investigation.
North Memorial Air Care was called to the incident, but was canceled. Witnesses said the driver, who has not been named, was pronounced deceased at the scene of the accident.
Albertville Fire Department and Wright County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to the crash.

Witnesses inspect damage to a house in Albertville near the intersection of 57th Street Northeast and Kalenda Avenue. The home was damaged when it was struck by an out-of-control vehicle on the evening of April 1, 2019. (Submitted photo)

A car slammed into the garage of the Don Deckert family in Albertville shortly before 7 p.m. Monday, April 1. The driver was deceased at the scene. (Photo submitted)
David says
The driver tragically was dying of a heart attack while driving. It seems it was hard for him to drive in this condition and that he could not get from the accelerator to the brake. If you looked at the path of the car there is a jog in 57th and you could see that he was steering between trees until he got to the garage. Going through the garage wall seems to have cushioned the crash and he died of the heart attack not the crash.