Republican nominee Eric Lucero, the clear frontrunner in the race for District 30B in the Minnesota House of Representatives, issued this statement about his win over challenger Kevin Kasel of St. Michael last night.
“Thank you to the voters for trusting me to move on to the general election. I look forward to continuing the campaign for the Minnesota House into November.
“Thank you to my campaign team–especially my wife, Erum–for working so hard with me. We put up close to 500 signs, and together we door-knocked all over the district.
“I will bring that same work ethic with me to St. Paul, where I look forward to working on Equity in Education, Expanding I-94, and helping to stop the exodus of MN businesses [due to] harmful Anti-Jobs policies of Governor Dayton and the Democrats.”
Libertae says
When you don’t have any legislative priorities of your own, just copy and paste your opponent’s web site! Then ask someone in the know what equity funding is, and go back to the school board and puke it back up!
I look forward to the continued ineptness at the Capitol.