Major road reconstruction and redesign on Wright County Highway 19 is expected to begin Monday, June 24, weather permitting.
While rain may prolong the project if this weather pattern holds, eventually commuters and residents will have a completely new way of navigating the city of Hanover, with three roundabouts planned at major intersections in the community over the next two summers.
Monday, Contractor Veit Companies will begin work on the long-planned 19 project. Roads will remain open during construction, but delays should be expected as work is underway – including lane shifts and lane closures as the project progresses. The 2024 phase of the construction area will be from the Wright County Highway 34 (Beebe Lake Road) intersection south to just before the 4th St/5th St intersection, with utility work continuing along the corridor down to the bridge.
A roundabout will replace the light at the “three-way” intersection at Wright County 34, with future roundabouts set for the Fourth/Fifth Street intersection and the River Road/Wright County HIghway 20 intersection, eliminating all traffic lights in the city. Those will be constructed during the 2025 season.

Phase 1 of the project to reconstruct County Highway 19 in Hanover begins next week.