Earlier this month, Alleluia Lutheran Church of Saint Michael hosted their 5th Annual “Better Together Service Event”.
“Better Together” is their annual event where individuals and families of all ages are invited to come together to do simple, hands-on service projects in order to reflect on the importance of giving back and recognizing that in working together we can accomplish far more then we can on our own and in return create a more kind and caring world.
Once again a diverse selection of service projects where set up in fun, kid-friendly stations for participants to engage in. Over 75 kids and adults worked together on November 13 to accomplish the following in just two hours:
Packed over 50 Christmas Blessing Boxes that will be traveling to Haiti through Anchored Beginnings
Made over 100 sandwiches for the homeless in Minneapolis
Sewed 100 hats and 50 scarves for the Kids In Need Resource Center
Assembled 50 personal care packages for the homeless at the Simpson House Homeless Shelter
Tied 21 fleece blankets for homeless youth
Decorated numerous Thank You cards for our active US Military Service Men and Women
Made Christmas cards for orphan elders living in Haiti

Photo Courtesy: Carol Bauer-Langager