The St. Michael Royalty Program had their first ever coronation on Saturday August 13th, adding to the Daze and Knights festival festivities. Three girls between the ages of 6 and 8 were chosen to represent St. Michael as Little Miss St. Michael. The three girls chosen were Isabella Dominick, Chloe Harris, and Dane Bozosi. One boy was chosen to represent St. Michael as Junior Commodore of St. Michael. Dawson Wostrel was awarded the role of Junior Commodore.

Bottom row left to right, Little Miss Chloe Harris, Little Miss Dane Bozosi, Junior Commodore Dawson Wostrel, and Little Miss Isabella Dominick
Three high school aged girls were chosen to represent St. Michael as the St. Michael princesses, as well as Miss St. Michael. Olivia Sundeen and Nancy Bury were selected as the first ever St. Michael princesses, and Tayllor Steinmetz was selected to be Miss St. Michael. All seven people chosen as the first St. Michael Royal Court will spend the next year attending parades around the state and volunteering their time to better our community as well as surrounding communities.

Pictured is Tayllor Steinmetz being crowned Miss St. Michael and the whole court together after coronation. Top row left to right, Princess Olivia Sundeen, Miss St. Michael Tayllor Steinmetz, Princess Nancy Bury.