STMA Rotary Club is pleased to announce that STMA juniors Griffen Marquette, Zach Hanson and Katie Atcher have been named Students of the Month for December 2015.
Griffen is the son of Myles Marquette and Melisa Kowakzyk. His many accomplishments include two academic letters, two varsity football letters, a math department award and PE/Health Department award. He is active in football, BPA, track and field, and Freshmen Mentor Program. He plans to major in finance or economics at a top business school.
Zach is the son of Brian and Tammy Hanson. He has never dropped below a “B” average and was a 2015 football state champion. He is involved in football, hockey, lacrosse and weight lifting. He plans to pursue a degree in criminal justice and to become a law enforcement officer.
Katie is the daughter of Susan Matthias. She has a letter for managing gymnastics. She acquired a job as a recreation assistant at a senior living home at 16 and continues to work on top of school and sports. She manages gymnastics and girls diving, teaches church school, is in choir and is the choir secretary of Bella Voce. She plans to study physical therapy at the University of Iowa.
January Students of the Month
STMA juniors Kyle Hayden, Lillian Warnberg and Taylor Johnson have been named Students of the Month for January.
Kyle is the son of John and Saundra Hayden of Albertville. His many activities include hockey, football, baseball, BPA and Freshmen Connections. He has received many awards, including All-Conference Hockey, letters in baseball, hockey and football, and a Courtesy and Respect Award. He is planning a future that will include sports.
Lillian is the daughter of Brian and Lee Warnberg of St. Michael. She is involved in musical, piano, one act, voice and choir. She has served as student director for musical and has lettered in musical and one act. She plans to go to medical school and to minor in translative and interpretive service.
Taylor is the daughter of Jennifer and Keith Johnson of St. Michael. She is in a student lead team at her church, takes guitar lessons and volunteers in the community. She has been to Haiti twice, taught herself piano, leads small groups at her church and talks before her church. She is a PCA and gets good grades. She plans to do PSEO next year to go to medical school. She also is interested in doing medical work as a missionary as part of her schooling.
“Rotary proudly recognizes these six kids as students of the month for December and January,” said Kevin Lenz, STMA Rotary Club president. “Their commitment to academic excellence, athletics and community service represents Rotary’s core values. We wish them successful futures.”