The Saint Michael City Council took time Thursday, Oct. 14 to pass a resolution proclaiming the week of November 23rd – November 29th as Shop Saint Michael Week.
Shop Saint Michael members Nadine Schoen from Tangles Salon/ Schoen Electric and Richard Brown from Midwest Rubs/ Sadie’s Coffee joined Shop Saint Michael President Nick Shultz of First American Bank in accepting the proclamation on Shop Saint Michael’s behalf.
The purpose of Shop Saint Michael week is to help keep our local businesses in the forefront of consumer’s minds directly before the holiday shopping season.
Shop Saint Michael will be promoting a number of local shopping specials for holiday consumers throughout the month of November, leading up to the Christmas and other holiday seasons.
For more information, visit Shop Saint Michael’s new website.

Business owner Nadine Schoen, also a member of the city council, joins Shop Saint Michael President Nick Shultz, St. Michael Mayor Jerry Zachman and St. Michael business owner Richard “Brownie” Brown in the proclamation of Shop Saint Michael Week, coming in November.