In a new development in the race to represent House District 30B, St. Michael City Council member Kevin Kasel has called for a press conference at St. Michael City Hall this morning, presumably to announce his candidacy for the spot in the Minnesota State House.

Kevin Kasel (lower right, front row) is expected to announce a decision to run in a primary against Eric Lucero for the Republican nomination in Minnesota House District 30B (City of St. Michael photo).
Kasel, an on-the-record conservative, has represented St. Michael in the city chambers for the past four years, and would be up for re-election this fall.
However, with the breakdown of the House District 30B seat at February’s Republican Caucuses, Kasel might be seeking a new opportunity, according to the subject line of the release: House District 30B.
The Wright County Republican Caucus endorsement went to Dayton’s Eric Lucero after current Rep. David FitzSimmons, a first-term House member from Albertville, stepped aside amid controversy.
Dayton council memeber Lucero and Otsego Republican Paul Boldin challenged FitzSimmons openly on the caucus vote, challenging FitzSimmon’s “yes” vote on the so-called Gay Marriage bill in 2013 and his decision not to sign a “taxpayer” pledge from the Minnesota Taxpayer’s League.
Despite not signing the pledge, FitzSimmons was given a 100 percent “A” rating from MTL, and his amendment to the gay marriage bill was roundly praised by members of the Minnesota GOP statewide.
FitzSimmons hasn’t given any indication as to what he’ll do after he serves out his term with this 2014 session. His former boss, Emmer, is the current frontrunner for the Sixth District Congressional seat, replacing Bachmann, who is also retiring from public office, for now.